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TikTok being banned in the USA is not the issue


【Reporter Andys compiled the report】

TikTok being banned in the USA is not the issue. The fact is, this is a ban on any current or future successful technology owned by a potential adversary and, let’s not make any mistake about it, China, where the ownership of TikTok’s parent company sits, is considered to be the major adversary, for now and for no other reason than the fear that they may be.

Mud in the water is being stirred up because, the 「dreaded ccp」 could get its hands on the data collected by TikTok and who knows what they could do with that, probably the same as they do with the data they Can collect from our use of digitally connected fridges, cars, cranes, mobile phones, laptops, computers and anything else that’s connected, even though there’s no evidence anywhere that they might.

ByteDance has set up a separate company to comply with US laws, it houses all its data in the US, under US corporate supervision. It employes international, not Chinese, experts to run the company and the CEO, who has the 「misfortune」 to be of Chinese origin, has testified under oath that he is not affiliated with, nor has he ever been a member of the Communist Party, he’s testified under oath that he’s never been asked to provide information to the Communist Party of China and that, if asked, he would not comply.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, it isn’t about data protection, if it were, the US would need to completely isolate themselves from the rest of the world to protect their data, even Google and Meta, two of the largest 「data collection corporations」 in the world have not faced the same scrutiny. Meta was fined billions last year by the Irish government for a massive data breach because they transferred data to the US where Data Protection Laws are not strong enough.

In The Cambridge Analytica court case, where Facebook data was used to sway the results of an election, two senior engineers admitted, they don’t even know where Meta’s data is all stored.

Google is even more interesting, it has data storage centres all over the world including three in Asia, one of which is in Taiwan. They were also themselves charged but settled for almost half a billion dollars in the USA and fined in France for data protection breaches.

Bytedance received a fine over illegal medical advertising but as far as can be ascertained in this research has never been charged over data breaches.

Obviously, the issues with TikTok are not about data protection, there are already laws to protect data, Bytedance and TikTok have complied with them and have responded to every request by the US government to satisfy their insecurities.

What it is really about is far deeper than a national (in)security issue, it’s much more about a recognition, without any admission, that the very fabric of their society is in the process of being torn apart. The latest allegations to emerge prove this.

The same allegation has arisen in the UK too, China, through Douyin, the Chinese version, is apparently pushing teenagers toward educational and cultural content whereas TikTok, is directing the British and American youth towards addictive content designed to erode ambition and motivation.

The truth is, Douyin in China has similar content, it has bad dancing, lip-synching, make-up and other frivolous content and those videos are pushed out to people who enjoy watching them. But it also has a huge number of viewers interested in maths, space exploration, scientific experiments and they are promoted to viewers who enjoy watching them too.

It isn’t a stereotype to say that Chinese kids are more interested in these kinds of topics, take a look at any university program in the West and they will be filled with Asian kids getting Bachelor degrees, Masters and PhDs. Since long before TikTok and social media existed, Chinese kids were already filling those courses. The US Government told us this In 2007, China surpassed the United States as the world’s largest producer of natural sciences and engineering doctoral degrees. By 2020, the number from China and India had eclipsed the USA.

TikTok being banned in the USA is not the issue
TikTok being banned in the USA is not the issue

What has really taken place is not a Chinese plot to dumb down America, it’s a stated fact that the US is dumbing itself down, the National Centre for Educational Statistics reports there has been a decline in maths and reading as well as an increase in students seeking mental health services. While these problems have accelerated since the Covid Pandemic, they were identified well before. It seems TikTok’s algorithms are merely responding to the needs and desires of Americans in the same way they are responding to the needs and desires of Chinese viewers by providing them exactly what they want.

Putting education aside, the USA has found itself in what Queensland University of Technology Adjunct Professor Warwick Powell calls an Auto-immune deficiency, its own policies are eating away at the health of its society and systems. They want free speech; therefore, they don’t want legislation to protect their young people. They criticise China for 「censoring」 the internet but then criticise China’s social media for not allowing the dumbing down of its youth.

The USA has a generation addicted to social media but criticises China for limiting the time young people can spend on social media. Something MIT referred to as an 「Escalating war on kids screen time」.

What China has done is sensibly controlled and efficiently managed what kids can do online, what the US has done has created the conditions for the decline of its own society and would now like to blame the one country that’s done the opposite.

The US legislation to ban foreign ownership of social media will probably succeed and this is a bad thing. Bytedance (not the CPC) will need to make a decision. Sell, fight through the legal system, or close down and stop operating in the USA.

If Bytedance sells to a US corporation, it will not improve data security, it will not improve the quality of videos available to their young people, it will not turn around the decline in educational standards and it will not reduce social media addiction.

If Bytedance pulls out, their politicians will lose a lot more than the credibility that’s already bubbling down the drain; they will lose the votes of a great many young people. The US already has laws to protect data, it can create laws to improve what’s online and by doing so would reverse a worrying societal decline. That would however, meet intense resistance from US social media operators.

One must wonder whether the lawmakers themselves have been dumbed down to a point where common sense no longer prevails!

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颱風期間安全考量 南投縣政府全力協助受災民眾

【記者 范至延 南投報導】 南投縣仁愛鄉近日外傳有三千多人「受困」,南投縣長許淑華緊急聯繫仁愛鄉長江子信後澄清表示,投89線常因災害而造成交通受阻,只要道路搶修,排除障礙,問題不大。不過,許縣長也提醒,颱風豪雨的威脅尚未解除,民眾應提高警覺,受災民眾記得拍照存證,以便未來中央有災害減免或救助措施時,能夠方便提出申請。 許縣長於25日上午展開勘災行程,並於下午3點前進入防災應變中心,除了聽取防災應變報告外,也與中央防災應變中心進行連線,向中央說明南投縣的災情。 許縣長表示,凱米颱風過境後,南投縣投入各項機具,持續進行救災。截至25日上午10時,已有944名民眾疏散撤離,其中包括來自仁愛鄉、信義鄉及鹿谷鄉的洗腎病患及孕婦105人。南投縣設立了12處收容所,目前南投市、竹山鎮、中寮鄉、國姓鄉及草屯鎮共收容276人。 凱米颱風影響了南投縣的電力供應。許縣長指出,有4萬6千多戶受影響,截至25日下午,仍有5千多戶在進行搶修。 許縣長表示,颱風期間感謝行政院長卓榮泰致電關心災情,由於各縣市均有受災情況,南投將視需要隨時向中央災害應變中心提出請求。 對於外傳仁愛鄉三村及部落三千多人「受困」,縣府澄清表示,仁愛鄉部分道路中斷,一些道路為預防性封閉,但交通並沒有全面中斷,三千多人都是當地居民,糧食儲量亦充足。颱風期間外出可能更加危險,公所採取「就地安置」措施,「三千人受困」的說法可能造成外界誤解。 許縣長指出,南投市十多年來很少發生大規模淹水,但此次颱風期間,有民宅進水等問題發生,包括道路修整及農田損失目前尚無法統計。許縣長希望民眾在注意安全並加強防災的同時,受災民眾記得拍照存證,以便災後有稅捐減免或中央補助方案出台時,能夠符合條件並由縣府協助提出申請。 而根據氣象預報資料,南投縣仁愛鄉、信義鄉於26日已宣布停班停課,但鄰近的埔里鎮、水里鄉部分區域以及竹山鎮、鹿谷鄉雨量創新高,多數鄉鎮市區民宅淹水受損。 截至25日下午六點,以下學校因積水或道路受阻而停班停課:國姓鄉北梅國中、魚池鄉伊達邵國小、明潭國中、明潭國小、五城國小、水里鄉民和國中、民和國小、水里國中、郡坑國小、鹿谷鄉瑞田國小與竹山鎮社寮國中等。 考量鄉鎮市連動關係、民眾安全及整理家園需要,南投縣政府宣布26日(星期五)全縣停止上班停止上課。 南投縣政府及境內公務機關人員在停班停課期間,依然堅守崗位,積極搶救受損地區,守護家園。請民眾持續保持警戒,做好防災準備,避免非必要外出,確保自身安全。

信義鄉災情嚴重 樹倒土石阻路 許縣長冒險勘查指示加速復建

【記者 范至延 南投報導】 凱米強颱肆虐全台,南投縣截至25日中午已有信義、竹山、水里、鹿谷、魚池等鄉鎮24小時累積雨量超過500毫米,縣長許淑華率領的縣府團隊及13鄉鎮市公所、水利署、公路局、國軍及台電等災防應變協力單位,幾乎不眠不休全力防災搶險及撤離安置等措施,許縣長更是一早馬不停蹄先後趕往信義、水里及南投市,實勘土石流阻路及淹水等災情,許縣長面對憂心忡忡的受災鄉親,感同身受的不停安慰,也欣慰慶幸包括水里一位84歲洗腎長輩在內,很多住所位在危險區的患者及孕婦都平安撤離並妥善安置,並未傳出傷亡意外,至於路斷及家屋農園受損的鄉親,許縣長也承諾會協力各鄉鎮市公所全力投入救災復原,陪災民儘早走出難關。 許縣長一早直驅災情嚴重的信義鄉,沿著台21線新中橫公路不斷碰到樹倒、土石阻路及積水深近一個輪胎的險況,不過仍順利挺進遭土石泥流阻斷的信義鄉明德村中油加油站附近,許縣長先隨同鄉長全志堅及村長吳瑞龍會勘已遭嚴重沖毀的陳友蘭溪砂石車便道,特別叮嚀務必加速提報災害復建工程並嚴防溪洪持續沖刷便道旁的堤防,避免造成更大的災情。 許縣長隨後不畏黃濁泥流滾滾,還不停有石塊隨湍流而下滾石砸腳的危險,冒險渡過已成土石流水路的台21線,徒步進到遭水淹的路旁民宅關心,居民見到許縣長不停叫苦,擔心為搶通道路而清出的土石暫堆路旁,恐怕反而會「禍水東引」沖進民宅,許縣長隨即請全鄉長協調搶修開口廠商搶快也要注意避免二次災害。 許縣長還遇到家住潭南的鄉民,聽到因為通往民和、地利的台16線阻斷,現在她們家也成孤島,許縣長除了關心詢問住家是否安全,也強調說,搶通工作縣府、鄉公所及公路局信義工務段會全力加速來做,至於民生物資的補給也都在颱風來襲前供應到位,一定會確保受困的鄉親安全無虞不會斷糧。 接著,許縣長到水里鄉公所災害應變中心聽取鄉長葉銘豐簡報,聽到葉鄉長及鄉公所團隊,與信義鄉長全志堅的團隊一樣都幾乎徹夜沒有闔眼的處理各種災情,但仍難免會有鄉親抱怨搶修太慢,許縣長表示,這次凱米風災不像去年卡努颱風集中重創仁愛鄉,不只是南投全縣普遍傳出大小災情,連全台各縣市也都一樣疲於奔命防救災,因此特別希望對第一線冒險防救災人員的辛苦,多鼓勵多建議少責難,讓大家一條心合力迎戰凱米強颱帶來的嚴峻挑戰。 最後,許縣長在中午前趕到南投市軍功橋頭,偕南投市長張嘉哲視察,因貓羅溪水位暴漲,沿溪低漥地區排水不及出現淹水災情,許縣長表示,水利署第三河川分署在南投市寶南宮、小溪橋及軍功橋等處都設有抽水站,這次也是從25日清晨就全面抽水,並調來多部移動式大型抽水機,唯降雨及水勢來得太快太急,還是出現淹水災情,縣府會彙整包括貓羅溪整治防洪頻率及外內轆地區新完成的排洪系統的功能與負荷,積極向中央爭取全面檢討規劃必要的更新整治方案,進一步提高縣內各易淹水地區的防洪整治效能與安全性。 許縣長也提醒說,鄉親如有受災,不管是自家民宅,或是農業的損失,都請第一時間拍照,並在各鄉鎮公所村里長村里幹事調查時提報,縣府會統一提報中央,透過天然災害的補助辦法,或者以縣府自己這邊的相關資源來提供必要的救助。

仁愛鄉撤離760人 南投縣防颱準備全面啟動

【記者 范至延 南投報導】 南投縣政府於24日晚間召開了凱米颱風防災整備應變會議。由於颱風將於入夜後登陸,並持續至25日白天,這段時間將是本縣風雨最強的時刻。縣長許淑華呼籲民眾非必要不要外出,並在家做好各項防颱準備。 會議由消防局長林聰吉進行防災整備工作簡報。目前南投縣並無重大災情傳出,埔里鎮守城橋及仁愛鄉新武界橋已自23日下午5時起封閉;預警性封閉的道路包括:台14線68-79K(南豐至霧社)、84-92K(春陽至廬山)、94-99K(屯原)、台14甲線18-32.7K(翠峰至松雪樓)、投83線、投85線、投89線37K處、台21線(草坪頭至塔塔加)、台18線(塔塔加段)及台16線(地利至河流)等路段。 針對仁愛、信義、水里及鹿谷四個鄉鎮的24處易形成孤島地區,目前已撤離816人,其中仁愛鄉撤離760人最多,另有101名孕婦及洗腎患者已撤離。至於登山隊伍的聯繫情形,已勸導下山13件41人、山區安全住宿1件4人,經勸阻未上山則有36件142人。 南投縣現有避難收容處所共354處、物資儲存處所94處,各收容處所及儲備處所皆已整備完成。目前已開設信義鄉同富村的和社台大實驗林,收容人數為15人。 許縣長表示,不管是人員撤離或避難收容、災糧儲備等整備工作,縣府皆已做好萬全準備。縣府與各鄉鎮公所、中央各單位隨時都要保持聯繫與配合,易致災道路也已請開口廠商先調派人員及重機具進駐。民眾若有任何安置需求或緊急危難,縣府皆會給予幫助。也希望民眾盡量不要外出,做好防颱準備,若需撤離時也一定要配合村里公所撤離與安置,保障自己的生命安全。

21世紀不動產力行CSR企業社會責任 攜手政大永續50+1共創紅葉四重福利蛋計畫

【記者 范至延 台北報導】 2024年7月19日,一個令人矚目的合作備忘錄簽約儀式在花蓮萬榮紅葉部落舉行,21世紀不動產攜手紅葉福利蛋合作社、政大永續50+1社會企業,共同簽署「紅葉福利蛋三方合作備忘錄」。此次合作旨在推動企業社會責任(CSR)和環境、社會與公司治理(ESG),並響應聯合國可持續發展目標(SDGs),為社會帶來深遠的正面影響。 此次簽約儀式標誌著21世紀不動產在ESG方面邁出了重要一步。21世紀不動產一向重視永續發展,並致力於通過創新和合作來提升社會福祉。「四重福利蛋計畫」正是這一理念的具體體現,該計畫從動物福利、老人福利、兒童福利和員工福利四個方面入手,旨在全面提升社會的幸福感。 「四重福利蛋計畫」計畫內容 1. 動物福利:紅葉福利蛋採用放牧飼養模式,遵循嚴格的動物福利標準。雞隻在優美自然環境中自由活動,確保牠們的健康與幸福。這一養殖方式不僅提高了蛋品的質量,也為消費者提供了更健康的選擇。 2. 老人福利:計畫中,部落長者每人負責領養35隻雞,通過這項活動,老人們能夠保持身心健康,並獲得每日約300元的收入,重拾生活的信心與自尊。這項計畫讓長者在社會中找到自己的價值,達到自給自足的目標。 3. 兒童福利:長者的孫子女和曾孫子女也參與其中,通過額外的收入改善他們的生活質量,除了促進下一代的健康成長以外,也同時透過這項活動增加家庭凝聚力。 4. 員工福利:21世紀不動產鼓勵總部員工認購福利蛋,並提供一定比例的補助獎勵,這不僅加強了企業內部的向心力,也擴大了企業社會責任的影響力。公司總部率先提撥30%的補助給總部員工,同時已經將永續50+1的訂購推廣到全台各加盟店,期望未來能有更多加盟店響應訂購,為此計畫注入更多動力,共同實現永續發展目標。 在記者會上,21世紀不動產亞太區暨台灣區董事長王福漲致辭時表示,「我們非常榮幸能夠參與這個具有深遠意義的計畫。21世紀不動產一直致力於推動永續發展和企業社會責任,我們深知,企業的成功不僅體現在經濟效益上,更在於我們對社會和環境的積極影響。通過這次合作,我們希望能引領更多企業參與這樣的公益項目,實現更大範圍的社會效益。」 此次「四重福利蛋合作備忘錄」的簽署,標誌著一個新的起點。21世紀不動產將繼續秉持著對社會、環境和經濟負責任的態度,推動更多類似的計畫,實現企業的社會價值和經濟效益的雙贏。 21世紀不動產深信,這次的創舉將引領風潮,進而一傳十,十傳百,讓更多人參與到永續發展的行列中來,共同期待一個更美好的社會。透過這樣的合作與努力,21世紀不動產不僅在不動產領域佔有一席之地,更在企業社會責任的實踐上成為了行業的典範。 聯合執行單位:21世紀不動產。 公益企劃單位:21世紀不動產文教基金會、政大永續50+1社會企業。 欲了解更多有關21世紀不動產及其CSR活動的詳情,請訪問21世紀不動產官網。